Subi (pronounced as Su-bee) - is a noun for ant /ants. It works for both singular and plural noun.
Specifically there are few different type of ants as follow:
1. Subi Podos - black ants that inhabit the rain forest, it size usually larger than the common ants. The unique characteristic of the "Subi Podos" is the strong jaw that could bite / peel off skins and it is very painful getting bitten by them. Although it does not carry venom but its vicious jaw is strong enough if bitten by one - not to say two or more would be unimaginable pain.
2. Osoh (pronounced as O-soh) - is the red ants army that we commonly encounter in our back yard or trees. It has strong jaw as well and carry acid pouch in the stomach. The picture describe how the Osoh looks like.
There are many other species I couldn't remember how they call it and what it looks like anymore.
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