Unique Words

These are some unique words

Ieng - life (spirit) usually used with the words "simongi" like Ieng Simongi which literally means "living spirit". Ieng pronouns as "Ee-eng"

Motang Nisot Klowong Kiliuous - The words present the worst kind of cursing words toward someone and each of it has a meaning that actually alter its intention. Where Motang Nisot or for short Nisot literally means "Crazy" (mentally not right). Klowong has a meaning of itself which I have to find out and Kiliuous is the superlative of klowong to exert more power to its meaning and intention.

Bagit - is a verb to curse with the intention so that it comes true, one of the words that rarely to be used unless someone is really angry to the point he is willing to sacrifice of whatever happens next.

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