Tuesday, November 10, 2020


Kimilit (pronounce as ki-mi-lit) is a verb for moving as in a man move his hands / legs or his body during sleep. The word kimilit commonly use with Doi' which mean "Not" so the combination of the words to form Doi' Kimilit means "Not Moving" (stay put).

The application of the word Kimilit mostly used in the following situations:

  1. Baby who sleep and move his/her hands or legs around
  2. Someone who's being scolded (stay put) literally not moving or fight back
  3. Someone who is passing out due to injury
It's like a form of words to show that human or animals making some movement to show he/she is alive, making counter reaction or make a reactive movement unaware (i.e. during sleep). Sleeping baby below making movement during sleep shows what kimilit means.

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