Thursday, March 6, 2025


Lukab (pronounced Lu-kab) – An adjective describing an object that has flipped over or capsized, especially one that carries something inside, such as a plate, boat, or container, where the contents may spill or be wasted. See the picture below.

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Monday, February 17, 2025


Iju (pronouns as E-joo) - is a noun for fish trap made of bamboo

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Saturday, June 11, 2022


Tikuog (pronounce as Tee-kuogg) is an adjective bent or crooked objects (not straight). The picture below describe exactly what Tikuog means.

The opposite of Tikuog is Tongont which means straight. 
Mikuog is a verb to describe the actions of bending an object. 

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Sunday, May 22, 2022


Luwou (pronounce as Lu-wou) is an adject to describe enlarge badly usually for holes. It describes how bad the damage enlarged from a small holes.


A small hole on a paper eventually becoming badly enlarge (damage) is Luwou. It can also be applied to torn objects like shirts, pants when it is badly torn. 

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Sunday, March 13, 2022


Sibungas (pronounce as Si-bungas) - means "in the beginning" or "at first" or "at the start"
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Friday, February 4, 2022

Kulang Kulis

Kulang-kulis (pronounce as ku-lang ku-lis) is a verb combination of words which mean "going in loops directions anxiously" due to incontention or thinking. A person unable to make up his/her mind of what to do going back and forth in a short loop distance while thinking of what to do. 

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Motak Moli'

Motak-Moli' (pronounce as Mo-tak Mo-li') - is a verb combination of words for going forth and back which make the words "go forth and back". It can be by foot or vehicles such as motorbike / cars etc in a considerably long distance.

Motak - going forth 
Moli' - going back 

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